by Harriet Tramer on Just Wanna Talk
Many companies pride themselves upon selling a product that is state of the art. However, DVUV LLC goes a step further. The process it markets is not only advanced on a technical level, it also has eye appeal.
Utilizing a powder evolved by its sister company, Keyland Polymer, it coats MDF (medium density fiberboard), a material utilized in everything from store display to medical applications and furniture. Known as UV-cured power coating or UV-Max, this application makes possible custom matching colors and easily meets exacting performance requirements, Rebecca Rutherford, that firm’s marketing director, explains.
It produces coatings that flow smoothly over contoured shapes, edges and three dimensional surfaces. Environmentally friendly, it contains no harmful chemicals (VOCs or HAPs) and is 100% recyclable, Rutherford said.Cured with UV, or ultraviolet lights, it can produce a finish in 20 minutes. Keyland hopes to evolve UV-Max so it can be utilized for outside applications, withstanding harsh weather conditions without losing its luster.
The founder of Keyland, Mike Knoblauch, originally worked with laminated finishing. However, realizing this technique was limited he began developing the powder this company now sells.
Keyland and DVUV are located right next to one another, an arrangement Ms. Rutherford finds very advantageous.
“We can do all our work in house,” she said. “We don’t need to send out work to be done.”
Keyland Polymer Ltd. Location: 4621 Hinckley Industrial Parkway Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Phone: 1-216-741-7915
DVUV, LLC Location: 4641 Hinckley Industrial Parkway Cleveland, OH 44109 Phone: 216-741-5511